Our next production is A Thriller set in Victorian England
"THE LATE EDWINA BLACK" by William Dinner and William Moran
Directed by Pauline Nevell. Commencing on Tuesday 12th April to Saturday 16th April, Curtain up at 7-30pm. You can pay on the door on the night or collect advance tickets from Ratcliffes Bike Shop, Bradshawgate, Leigh from 1st March Tickets are £8 adults 16yrs & under £4 Bar, Raffle & Refreshments available.
domineering Edwina Black has just died, and the general feeling appears to be of
relief rather than grief. The local community whispers that her death is a
disguised blessing for all concerned, particularly her henpecked widower Gregory
(Farrar) and downtrodden personal companion Elizabeth (Fitzgerald). Unknown to
anybody, Gregory and Elizabeth have been clandestine lovers for some time, and
matters take a serious turn when the local doctor, feeling uneasy about Edwina's
sudden and unexpected death, orders an autopsy. The result came back, revealing
that Edwina's body is full of arsenic.
The plot thickens!!!!