Monday, 14 November 2016


                               NEW BOX OFFICE

Martin from STONES CARPETS on Chapel St. Leigh. on hearing that RATCLIFFES our previous Box Office had sadly closed  came to the rescue and has offered to take over the task.  
From the 1st of DECEMBER tickets will be on sale for our popular annual Pantomime.  ROBINSON CRUSOE,  which will run from the 18th January 2017 to Saturday 28th January 2017.  Evening performances comm. at 7-15pm  Tickets are £8 Adults, 16yrs & under £4.  There are three matinees comm. at 2pm  tickets are £10 adults 16yrs & under are £4.  SPECIAL OFFER:  All tickets on the 18th & 19th of January will be £4  Early booking is recommended.

The Box Office will be open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and Sunday 9am to 12 noon.  Comm. 1st December.

Thursday, 22 September 2016


Cheshire Cats
St Joseph’s Players, Leigh

When thinking of fundraising ideas to raise money for Cancer awareness many ideas come to mind but by writing a play about a group of women running a race for life, author Gail Young has come up with a gem.
St Joseph’s Players took on this task with aplomb as they provided comedy, pathos and a really good night’s entertainment. Pauline Nevell has directed a real cracker here and with such a talented cast this production has hit all the right notes.
Vicky and Maggie, given a touch of realism by Donna Wood and Nicola Reynolds set the scene as they want to take things at an easy pace but with the introduction of organiser Hilary, played with abounding energy by Clare Nash the girls are put to the test and train flat out in order to reach their personal best.
Testosterone is on hand by the introduction of Vicky’s toyboy Andrew. Daniel McCarrick was game in providing us with a great performance dressed in full lycra regalia complete with wig. Jenny Costello proves to be one to watch as she portrayed Siobhan with a subtle innocence which made the character real.
At some point in the play each character gave a monologue or a song, telling their story and this touch made the significance of the play more apparent. This was done very well. 
Providing cameo performances were Louise Bailey-Farrell as the keep fit aerobics instructor and Vikky Dixon, Chris Lovelady, Maggie Hall and the hilarious Pauline Dowsett as marshals for the run. 
Pulling off a good comedy isn’t easy, but with such a great comedy actress as Barbara Mayers you know you are on to a winner. Mayers performance as Yvonne was nothing short of hilarious. One minute we had tones of Hyacinth, but that was soon replaced by a touch of Hylda Baker. Mayers had the audience on the edge of their seats in anticipation as they waited for the next one liner or anecdote. The song she performed was comedy gold. A truly brilliant performance.
All in all, this production left the audience wanting more which is a good sign that you have done a good job, and in this case St Josephs, in the capable hands of Pauline Nevell can add this production to their list of successes.     

Paul Cohen

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

  Our next production HAPPY JACK is almost upon us, commencing on Tuesday 11th October to Saturday 15th October 7-30pm start £8 adults 16yrs and under £4 (Please Pay on the door on the night.)

Synopsis of HAPPY JACK
A sense of Yorkshire pride comes through John Godber’s words in his much loved Comedy Drama HAPPY JACK which he wrote two years before the cataclysmic miner’s strike of 1984

Northern couple, Liz and Jack, played by Pauline Nevell & Keith Hindley open this remarkable play by addressing the audience about the biographical details of the characters they play, and then slipping into those characters. Small, lovingly detailed extracts from the couple's lives are shown from their early courtship days, through to their retirement, but not in chronological order, so we constantly weave a path through their long life together.
Liz is the fastidious northern wife, who scrubs the steps on Wednesdays and woe-betide if the washing and cleaning duties aren’t done properly on the right day of the week. Her cheerful drudgery is punctuated with an occasional bout of giddiness; the squeal of her laughter is so infectious, it’s impossible not to smile along. She ends so many of her sentences with a long-suffering look and the words ‘You have to laugh, Jack’, as if it will persuade him to do so. Happy Jack, she calls him because he is such a miserable character. The Financial Times described the play as 'Neat, touching and joyously celebratory’.   A night not to be missed.

We are proud to announce that our BATS award winners this year are, Pauline Nevell, Clare Nash, Paul Jameson, Terry Mc Cabe and Jim Reynolds. Congratulations xxx

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

St Joseph's Players are proud to present a comedy CHESHIRE CATS, by Gail Young, produced by Pauline Nevell. comm. on Tuesday 13th September to Saturday 17th September, curtain up 7-30pm, at St Joseph's Hall, Chapel St. Leigh WN7 2PR.  Tickets are £8 adults & 16yrs and under £4.  Pay on the door on the night. Advance tickets available in August from Ratcliffes Cycles, Bradshawgate, Leigh.
for info email 
Below is the background to this brilliant play:

Gail Young, the author, walked The MoonWalk in 2003 with her friends and was so inspired by her experience, the camaraderie of the walkers, the ups and downs of the training walks and the marathon itself, the laughs and tears along the way that she jotted it all down on paper. She directed and acted alongside the Guilden Sutton Players in the very first performances of the play in Guilden Sutton Village Hall near Chester in November 2005. The play was then taken to the Edinburgh Fringe in the summer of 2006, raising more funds for Walk the Walk. This fantastic play now found a publisher and is waiting to be performed by many more enthusiasts for appreciative audiences worldwide. Yes, worldwide. It has found its way to New Zealand and has even been translated into Flemish for a performance in Belgium.
“The play follows a team of women training for and participating in The MoonWalk London, and is a comic drama intended to pay tribute to charity walkers, race organisers and marshals everywhere. My mum, sister in law, and a best friend had suffered from breast cancer. Sadly all three are no longer with us now - and they were my original reason for walking the walk.
I was asked to join a gang of Cheshire ladies to walk in The MoonWalk in May 2003 as one of their members had dropped out. The name of the team was the ‘Cheshire Cats’ – and the play is partly based on real events that weekend. On the train home from London I did say ‘Someone should write a play about this weekend…’ – and reader, I wrote it!”
(Gail Young, Author)  If you wished to know more about walk the walk uniting against breast cancer, please contact

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Our next production is A Thriller set in Victorian England 
 "THE LATE EDWINA BLACK"  by William Dinner and William Moran
Directed by Pauline Nevell.  Commencing on Tuesday 12th April to Saturday 16th April, Curtain up at 7-30pm.  You can pay on the door on the night or collect advance tickets from Ratcliffes Bike Shop, Bradshawgate, Leigh from 1st March  Tickets are £8 adults 16yrs & under £4  Bar, Raffle & Refreshments available.

The domineering Edwina Black has just died, and the general feeling appears to be of relief rather than grief. The local community whispers that her death is a disguised blessing for all concerned, particularly her henpecked widower Gregory (Farrar) and downtrodden personal companion Elizabeth (Fitzgerald). Unknown to anybody, Gregory and Elizabeth have been clandestine lovers for some time, and matters take a serious turn when the local doctor, feeling uneasy about Edwina's sudden and unexpected death, orders an autopsy. The result came back, revealing that Edwina's body is full of arsenic.  The plot thickens!!!!


Thursday, 28 January 2016

BATS Review of 2016 Pantomime Sleeping Beauty

Review from (BATS) 2016 FOR "SLEEPING BEAUTY

Pantomime is a family tradition, one of which St Joseph's Players never fail to uphold. This production was brought to life by a large line up of principal characters supported by a team of talented dancers, who executed some great dance routines choreographed by Callan Unsworth. An adult and junior chorus completed the line up both of which worked very hard and turned in some great performances.
Keith Hindley as Fairy Nanny Fanny portrays an excellent Pantomime Dame and his experience shines though. Clare Nash was excellent again as Prince Christian in pursuit of her love ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ beautifully played by Karen Jones who gave us some nice vocals too. There are too many characters to name them all but suffice to say that all turned in excellent performances to make this is very successful and enjoyable production.

A live band under the baton of musical director Craig Barlow accompanied some well chosen musical numbers and the live sound was good to hear.
The scenery was once again to a very high standard and a special mention must go to the costume department. The number of costumes on display looked amazing and it was evident that a lot of time and commitment had been put into bringing these to the stage.
Director and author Doreen Johnson can be proud that St Joseph’s have succeeded again in producing an excellent family pantomime.
By Graham Cohen ( BATS CRITIC) Brilliant Review

Thursday, 21 January 2016

St Joseph's Players magical Pantomime 2016, written and directed by the award winning DOREEN JOHNSON is SLEEPING BEAUTY. The curtain went up last night to a packed hall, It was brilliant and ten more night to go !. It really is an enchanting mix of live music, magic, adventure and fun with plenty of audience participation along with a brilliant cast.  Come along and see for yourself how the story unfolds. HURRY and get your tickets now from our Box Office: Ratcliffes Cycle's (opposite Iceland) Bradshawgate Leigh. The Pantomime runs until to Saturday 30th January.   Evening Performances 7-15pm Tickets for evenings are £8 adutlts £4 16yrs and under. Matinees are on the 23th 24th & 30th January and comm. at 2pm Tickets for matinees are £10 adults £4 16yrs & under.   Venue St Joseph's Hall, Chapel St. Leigh WN7 2PR Refreshments & Raffle available. for into email:

Monday, 11 January 2016

     Here is the latest news regarding the Pantomime:

Tickets are going well so far at over 500 + more than last year, but then everybody loves the SLEEPING BEAUTY fairytale.  The second week is beginning to pick up but, as we all know after the first week the second week usually begins to fill up.  You have all done so well promoting the Panto so please keep up the good work and lets make it the best ever.

Our new young members who recently completed a course of workshops and performed in their first play are doing extremely well, just remember, once on that stage you are no longer you, you become the person you are in the story, you think, move, speak according to the part your playing and you will create a really magical fairytale.  We all have confidence in you so go out there and enjoy the moment.

Our photographer Gary will be there tonight to take pictures for the programme, don't worry he takes excellent photo's.  Have you checked out the pics on St Joseph's Face book page taken during rehearsals?   Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Sleeping Beauty                                           Director’s Notes

British audiences have been entertained for almost 300 years by the pantomime, but one needs to travel well back in time  to come across the origins of this type of theatre.  However, in its present form, we have the magic of spectacular scenery and effects and glittering and bizarre costumes. Also we have ‘cross dressing’ in some characters with men playing women’s roles and girls playing boy’s roles, as with the Dame and the Principal Boy. We have some frightening and bloodthirsty confrontations, great adventures and romance and comedy. Good always triumphs over evil - and so it should.

We try to appeal to all, but to children especially as, for many, it is their  first venture into live theatre. They love it because they can participate in the action. You all can. Cheering, booing , shouting (in the right places, of course) is obligatory. Oh! Yes it is! There are times when you can join in the singing- you’ll know when. Let’s hope you know all the words, which you usually do. There’s also a competition and a good time to be had by all.
You will realise that a great deal of work has gone into the preparation of the show. Thanks are due to Craig, our Musical Director,  and the Boys in the Band, our lovely dancers choreographed by Callan Unsworth, our delightful and enthusiastic troupe of fairy children taught by Christie Coleman and Louise Bailey.   We are also grateful to our backstage workers who make the props and paint scenery, to our wardrobe staff for the wonderful costumes and to our technical staff  for lighting and sound effects, and our enthusiastic publicity team.  We also have excellent front of house and refreshment  teams.   

Tickets available from Ratcliffes Bike Shop, Bradshawgate Leigh.  Panto comm. 20th Jan. to 30th Jan. Evening performances comm. 7-15pm £8 Adults £4 16yrs & under. Matinees 23rd  24th & 30th. Jan Tickets £10 Adults, £4 16yrs and under. curtain up 2pm

Special Offer:  all tickets £4 on 20th & 21st Jan.